Create the Year of Your Dreams, as Goddess Queen

A 4-Week Live Goddess Vortex 

with Syma Kharal

1/11 to 2/1, 2024

For the Queen ready to claim 2024 as the year that you:  

  • Create your year and life on your terms, making your boldest dreams your lived reality! No more waiting or delaying. Claiming and deciding.

  • Elevate every part of your life as you radiate regal power and sovereignty as Queen.

  • Release patterns that hold you back and rise as powerful Creatress of your limitless life. 

  • Leap into your next levels of expansion in every area, from feminine ease and grace. 

  • Manifest your most daring desires through Empress Goddess embodiment.

  • Devote to what you love and value, to what lights up your mind, body, heart, and soul.

  • Experience the deepest love, harmony and connection in all your relationships.

  • Receive overflowing abundance and opportunities from your pleasure and softness.

  • Glow and flow every day with your beautiful feminine shakti, radiance, and bliss, as radiant Empress!

Harness this Once-a-Year Magic Portal…

There is an energetic vortex that only opens at the start of each year, that sets the foundation for the rest of our year.

It is a field full of limitless potential and infinite possibilities.

Many of us tap into this portal and create our resolutions and intentions at the beginning of the year. But, without creating a deep, sacred, and fortified foundation, we quickly begin to lose our momentum and connection to this power as the year unfold

My Miraculous New Year Goddess Path

Years ago, I shifted this pattern and started to enter this vortex with the Goddesses, through a specific ritual journey, through a very special energetic portal. 

This Divine Feminine process connected me to a field of magic during the fertile 4-week vortex that has since left me in awe at the end of each year, every year.

Now, every year, I am left in infinite gratitude…

  • Embodying the Goddess as Mother, Lover, Priestess, Healer, Leader, and  Empress Queen, from pure Divine Feminine bliss, magic, shakti, and sovereignty. 

  • Relishing all the time I desire with my Sun because of how I have created my Divine Feminine business and life.

  • Being deeply nourished, fulfilled, and radiant in motherhood through intentionally created support and self-care on all levels.

  • Falling even more in love with my beloved Eric, having ever deepening sacred union, passion, romance, and connection after 15 years together!

  • Continuing to travel the world in luxury with my beloved family, and living in Mayan Riviera in 2023 and Bali in 2024! 

  • Receiving ever increasing abundance, and becoming a Multi-Millionairess from financial sovereignty, dharma, and radiant Lakshmi overflow!

  • Sponsoring 2 schools in my parents village to empower children and especially girls' futures. 

  • Leading my beloved clients through life-changing miracles through sold-out online offerings and in-person retreats!

I keep expanding in more abundance, success, and freedom.

I keep elevating in more dharma, leadership, and power. 

I keep deepening in more love, union, and bliss. 

I keep radiating in more shakti, pleasure, and sovereignty.

I keep flowing in more magic, miracles and dream manifestations. 

As embodied Empress in overflow.   

It's Your Turn Now, Queen

This year, for the first time ever, I am taking you on this magical journey with me in: 

Empress of 2024 Mastermind:

This is for the Queen ready to create your most miraculous year, in the amplified power of Sacred Sisterhood and direct Goddess Mentorship with me.

For the Empress desiring to co-create your boldest dreams in union with the Goddesses all year long, from your feminine ease, grace, shakti and bliss!

I will lead you through creating a Divine Feminine foundation for 2024 through direct integration, implementation, and Empress embodiment.

You are ready for the power of this Vortex if:

  • You want to elevate your dreams beyond what you could hold for yourself through the amplified power only possible through Divine Feminine rituals, sisterhood, and support, at the level of Empress.

  • You are excited about the magic of seeding your dreams for 2024 in the most potent Goddess manifestation portal.

  • You are ready to transcend all limitations, excuses, self-sabotage and procrastination this year and finally commit to creating your soul’s highest vision, as Queen Creatress.

  • You want to co-create in a joyous, magical, nourishing, and uplifting sacred sisterhood to accelerate your personal healing and manifestations with other powerful High Priestess Sisters.

  • You want powerful coaching and the energetic calibration that is only available through direct proximity with an embodied Divine Feminine Mentor who flourishes as Goddess Queen. 

  • You understand the value of investing in yourself to elevate to your next level with epic support and speed. 

  • You love to show up and commit fully to create your desires from your own integration and feminine power. 

Together, we will initiate the most magical and powerful portal of miracles for ourselves and each other for the rest of the year!

It’s also important to know that this training is not for you if:

  • You want a course/training/ with a teaching curriculum.

  • You don’t resonate with Divine Feminine spirituality and practices.

  • You only want personal support and don’t desire the sisterhood mastermind experience.   

  • You need/want group therapy to process deeper issues.

  • You don’t want to take empowered self-responsibility for your own results. Per our Terms, we do not warrant or guarantee any results. 

If you are ready to create your miraculous year in magical sisterhood and mentorship…

Program Details

Here's What You Get, Goddess

  • 4 Live Mastermind Calls

    4 x 90 -minute live video calls held via Zoom with weekly themes and specific prompt-based sister shares for everyone’s inspiration and expansion. Plus Lifetime access to recordings!

  • Goddess Manifestation Rituals

    An opening Empress Goddess transmission based on our weekly theme to create the year of your dreams. Plus Channelled Goddess rituals based on what arises in the group for our amplified transformation, elevation and Queen embodiment.

  • Q&A Mentorship

    Direct Divine Feminine mentoring for creating your specific desires for 2024 as High Priestess Goddess Queen, integrated to benefit everyone!

Our Magical Journey

Here are the Weekly Call Themes to Create the Year of Your Dreams, as Goddess:

Envision and Align

Session 1

Connect to the Goddesses' vortex of your overflowing Empress life, into the realm of infinite possibilities and blessings for you to create a year beyond your dreams, as Queen.

Embody and Implement

Session 2

Receive your sacred keys of miraculous co-creation for this year, from your Divine Feminine Queen clarity, wisdom, inspiration, sovereignty, magic, power, shakti, and bliss!

Elevate and Expand

Session 3

Transcend your limits and visions and leap into the Goddesses' next level of abundance, love, dharma, bliss, radiance, freedom, and flourishing for you as embodied Empress, this year and beyond.

Integrate and Empower

Session 4

Radiate your regal power and hold your Queen standards to be available for only what you desire, deserve and decide for yourself, as Empress Goddess.

Create Your Empress Year

Join now at special price!


What happens when I enroll? 

Once you create your account, you will see the 2024 Empress Mastermind under "My Dashboard". Details for the schedule and Zoom call link are provided inside the Welcome Details section.

What is the schedule?

Each 90-minute live video call be held live via Zoom at 1:00 p.m. EST on the following dates:

Thursday, January 11

Thursday, January 18

Wednesday, January 24

Thursday February 1

The Zoom link is provided inside the welcome details after enrolling. You also get lifetime access to call recordings!

Can I pay with PayPal?

Yes, send us an email at [email protected] to arrange a PayPal payment.

What is your refund policy?

Per our Terms of Service, there no refunds. Agreement to our no-refund policy and full terms is required before creating an account and making a purchase. 

What if I have more questions?

Email us at [email protected]

About Syma

About Syma

Syma Kharal

Syma Kharal is a leading international Goddess Mentor, High Priestess, Healer, and #1 Amazon bestselling author of "Goddess Reclaimed" and "Manifest Soulmate Love." She empowers women to be and have everything they desire, from their feminine, as Goddess Queens. Her Divine Feminine offerings are catalysts for soulful women to transform their blocks, manifest their boldest dreams and flourish in every way. Syma immersed herself in the healing arts at the age of 14 to transform wounds and blocks from her childhood. Her devotion to the Goddess led her to co-create a life she never dreamt possible: create a global feminine business empire, manifest and marry her soulmate, become pregnant with her miracle baby after infertility, transform women's lives through her heart's work, and travel the world with her beloved family, creating a flourishing life as Mother, Lover, Priestess, and Mentor. She loves liberating powerful women to do the same: Reclaim their full feminine power, rise into the Goddesses they truly are, and create lives of overflow, from their Divine Feminine.