Embody the Divine Feminine Wealth Energetics of Limitless Prosperity

An Online Program

with Syma Kharal

For the Feminine Woman to Ready to Rise as Regal Queen so you can: 

Allow the Goddess in you to unapologetically embrace your right to millions and beyond, in a way that most honors your feminine heart, body, and soul. 

Boldly claim your financial freedom and sovereignty to live every part of your life on your terms, flourishing in every way. 

Embrace money as not just spiritual, but as a beautiful, natural expression of your innate abundance as Goddess embodied.

Birth a new paradigm of glorious, luscious, empowered feminine wealth that serves you and all, transmuting toxic masculine money paradigms of greed, hustle and pressure.

Forever heal and transform your relationship to money, releasing all imprints of lack, fear, shame, and guilt around having all the divine wealth you desire and deserve, from your feminine radiance, receptivity, and overflow. 

This is for the Divine Woman ready to receive–not achieve–more money from doing less. 

To magnetize millions from pleasure and rest.

To become a living Lakshmi, an embodied Empress, relishing and rippling out spiritual and earthly blessings to all. 

I know that this is not just possible for you, but it is what you are meant for. 

I know that if I can break free of all my past financial fear, lack and struggle around money, and become a blissful Multi-Millionairess from my Divine Feminine, you can too.

My Goddess Journey to Millions…

I was not set up to become a wealthy woman.

My money lineage is one of men making, owning, and controlling money, keeping women trapped and oppressed in financial dependance. 

My childhood and family life was filled with financial struggle, chaos, and instability. 

I experienced money only as being unsafe, unreliable, and untrustworthy. 

At 16, I fought for my right to get a job and make my own money. As I began working in masculine systems, in a masculine way, I kept repeating cycles of insecurity and overwhelm with money that I inherited through childhood, lineage lines, and past lives. 

I deeply struggled with receiving and holding money well into my 20s.

Everything shifted for me when I awakened to the Goddess, and reclaimed the Divine Feminine art of infinite, blissful, feminine abundance!  

The Goddess path empowered me to finally break free of painful money patterns and liberate myself into financial freedom and flourishing in all ways!  

So I could do, be and have all I desire,

On my own terms…

From my soul’s alignment

From my heart’s bliss 

From my body’s desires

From my womb’s magic 

From my yoni’s pleasure.

I now blissfully receive ever expanding money through ever growing channels in my business and life.

I have crossed multi-millions through my sacred business, creations, assets and investments, all from my luscious feminine.

I have become the first self-made female Millionaire in my lineage, blessing my past lines and elevating my future lines with graceful generational wealth. 

All sourced in Divine love, integrity, inspiration, creativity, receptivity, sovereignty, generosity, and expansion. 

All with Queen Goddess level self-care, luxury, support, resources, and charity.

All while being a devoted mother, ecstatic lover, powerful leader, and overflowing Empress.

I now embody the feminine magnetism so money continuously flows to me: 

  • While snuggling, playing, and napping with my baby.
  • While being romanced and ravished by my beloved. 
  • While spending quality time with my loved ones.
  • While traveling the world’s most sacred and luxurious places. 
  • While indulging in weekly spa treatments and daily rose petal baths.
  • While carefreely eating, sleeping, dancing, and orgasming!

Now, I experience money as one of the most sacred expressions of Divine love and support for me.

As one of the most natural expressions of infinite riches from Goddess within me.

As one of the most beautiful channels of overflowing blessings through me. 

This is what I want for you and every woman, Beloved: 

To become a living Lakshmi, an Empress Goddess of embodied abundance.

It's Your Turn Now, Queen

This is why I have created this program for YOU.

This is a Divine Feminine Wealth Energetics program for all women, regardless of what you do to make money. It is not a business, sales, or practical strategy program. 

I will lead you through all the Divine Feminine Money Alchemy, Healing, Transformation, and Embodiment that has empowered me to become a Multi-Millionairess Empress, from ease, bliss, and overflow. 

I want you too to heal your relationship with money so it empowers you to live in the flow in infinite abundance, from your feminine. 

Just Imagine…

  • Never having to base your life decisions or deny yourself anything because of money, but instead choosing everything simply based on your desires! No more sacrifice. Just choice and liberation.

  • Being free to create and curate every part of your life the way that you desire…where and how you live, what you do, who you are with, all of it.

  • Letting money flow to you as you magnetize from your feminine energy and lifestyle, without masculine pressure or struggle.

  • Becoming financially free and sovereign so you trust yourself to attract, hold, and expand money in the most beautiful ways.

  • Creating heaven on earth and channeling bountiful blessings for yourself and all, from overflow!

I hope through my own journey you know that all this and so much more is possible for you. 

If you are ready to embrace the most empowered and liberating relationship with money as Empress Goddess, this Divine Feminine program will teach you how to attract and expand blissful abundance, from your feminine. 

It’s also important to know if this program is not for you if:

  • You are looking for a masculine, practical, step-by-step, business, sales, strategy, action-plan or other financial advice program on how to make money. 
  • You want get rich quick schemes. 
  • You don’t resonate with Divine Feminine spirituality and practices.  
  • You don’t want to take empowered self-responsibility for your own results. Per our Terms, we do not warrant or guarantee any results. 
  • You want someone else to do the work for you.

If you are ready to embody the Divine Feminine Art of the Millionairess Empress …

Program Details

Here's What You Get, Goddess

  • 8 Video Trainings

    2-3 hour recorded sessions of Divine Feminine Wealth Energetics Teachings.

  • Embodiment Rituals

    Millionairess Empress Embodiment Rituals & Practices for energetic healing, integrating, and aligning to limitless prosperity.

  • Recorded Q&As

    Get Divine Feminine Wealth Energetics coaching with the recorded Q&A at the end of each module.

If You are Ready to Embody the Millionairess Empress

Join now at a special price!

Millionairess Empress Initiation into Infinite Abundance

Session 1

Divine Feminine Money Alchemy to Clear Fear, Lack, and Resistance

Session 2

Healing Your Relationship with Money to Welcome it in All the Ways

Session 3

Embracing Abundance and Support from the Divine Masculine

Session 4

Art and Energetics of Feminine Wealth Creation

Session 5

feminine wealth

Magnetizing Limitless Prosperity from Your Feminine

Session 6

Rising into Financial Freedom, Sovereignty, Expansion, and Overflow

Session 7

Living and Flourishing as Embodied Empress of Infinite Abundance

Session 8

Lifetime Access

Get lifetime access to the recordings!

By purchasing this program, you are (re)confirming that you agree to our full Terms, including our no refund policy and disclaimer of warranties. 

I invite you to invest in yourself by making an informed, empowered, and aligned decision for yourself and your desires. 

From a place of joy and expansion.

From deep self-trust and sovereignty.

As the wise and powerful Queen you are.


What happens when I enroll?

Once you create an account and enroll, you'll find the course right under "My Dashboard". And guess what? You'll have instant lifetime access to the entire course.

Can I pay with PayPal?

Yes, send us an email at [email protected] to arrange a PayPal payment.

What is your refund policy?

Per our Terms of Service, there no refunds. Agreement to our no-refund policy and full terms is required before creating an account and making a purchase. 

What if I have more questions?

Email us at [email protected]

Become the Embodied Empress of Feminine Wealth

About Syma

About Syma

Syma Kharal

Syma Kharal is a leading international Goddess Mentor, High Priestess, Healer, and #1 Amazon bestselling author of "Goddess Reclaimed" and "Manifest Soulmate Love." She empowers women to be and have everything they desire, from their feminine, as Goddess Queens. Her Divine Feminine offerings are catalysts for soulful women to transform their blocks, manifest their boldest dreams and flourish in every way. Syma immersed herself in the healing arts at the age of 14 to transform wounds and blocks from her childhood. Her devotion to the Goddess led her to co-create a life she never dreamt possible: create a global feminine business empire, manifest and marry her soulmate, become pregnant with her miracle baby after infertility, transform women's lives through her heart's work, and travel the world with her beloved family, creating a flourishing life as Mother, Lover, Priestess, and Mentor. She loves liberating powerful women to do the same: Reclaim their full feminine power, rise into the Goddesses they truly are, and create lives of overflow, from their Divine Feminine.