Course Description

“Saraswati is the purifier, 

Giver of plenty and opulent life, 

Who is rich in thought and intelligence.

Oh Saraswati, 

Please awaken the Truth within me, 

By helping me to perceive Divine consciousness, 

And by illuminating my entire mind.”

~ Translation of Saraswathi Suktam, Rig Veda Scriptures

Beloved Sister,

I am often asked how I transformed my life from one of trauma and struggle to one of bliss and flourishing, and my answer is always this: by Divine Grace.

The next question I am asked is how I received this grace, and my answer is: by following my Divine guidance and inspiration.

Often on our life paths, we may find our desires centre on the more tangible blessings of the Goddesses, such as love from Aphrodite, abundance from Lakshmi, power from Isis, healing from Kuan Yin, success from Brigid, and so on.

Yet, the path to ALL of these blessings opens not by simply asking for them, but by inviting them in through hearing and following our divine guidance.

Because we are taught to focus on the outer work that will help us achieve the material results we want, we may not at first seek or deeply appreciate the necessary inner steps required to co-create our dreams with the support and grace of the Universe.

But if we turn inward first, and enlist the support of our inner guide and muse, we open to the flow of miracles and fruition of spiritual and earthly blessings beyond anything we can hope.

This is how I went from painful and disempowering relationships, constant financial struggle and a toxic corporate career to manifesting my beloved soulmate and husband Eric, becoming abundantly supported in following my divine calling as a coach, healer and #1 bestselling author, and being blessed with dreams that I didn't think were possible for me, including traveling the world with Eric...AND now taking women on sacred Goddess Tours!

And my heart's desire is for YOU and all my sisters to also follow the most graceful and inspired path to co-creating YOUR dreams, beloved.

I invite you to do this with me with beautiful Saraswati, the Indian and Hindu Goddess of Divine knowledge, guidance and inspiration.

By her blessing, you too can receive the divine guidance you need to create the beautiful, blissful and bountiful life you were born for, with ease and grace.

Join us to awaken your inner guide and muse with our online Goddess Saraswati circle in which I will lovingly:

  • Sacred Ceremony: Create a beautiful, sacred and safe space for you to honor this sacred time for yourself, and open fully to receiving the Goddess's love, support and healing.
  • Divine Feminine Teachings: Channel messages and share Sacred Feminine teachings from Goddess Saraswati, to support you in receiving her manifold blessings of Divine guidance, inspiration, abundance and more!
  • Goddess Meditation: Lead you through a channeled Goddess meditation for you to let go and let Goddess clear your mind, body, heart and soul, and fill you with the peace, love, gifts, guidance and new blessings you deserve. 

  • Connect you directly with Goddess Saraswati to receive her direct blessing and Divine guidance to help you flourish spiritually and materially, the way you were meant to.
  • Oracle Reading Bonus: Do a 3-card oracle reading to help you get deeper insights on the wave of your past, the blessing in your present and potential of your future.

More Bonus Gifts:

1. A downloadable MP3 recording of the Guided Meditation.

2. Lifetime access to this course!

3. Sisterly support through our powerful Facebook group.

I look so forward to connecting you with Goddess Saraswati, so that you too may co-create a life more beautiful than anything you could dream!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome, Goddess

    • Join Our Secret Facebook Group

    • Preparation Tips PDF

    • Special Prep for Goddess Saraswati Circle

    • Saraswati Mantra videos

    • Watch the Circle Here!

  • 2

    Bonus Gifts!

    • Download Meditation MP3

    • 3-Card Goddess Oracle Reading

    • Thank you, Beloved

About Syma

Syma Kharal

Syma Kharal is a leading international Goddess Mentor, High Priestess, Healer, and #1 Amazon bestselling author of "Goddess Reclaimed" and "Manifest Soulmate Love." She empowers women to be and have everything they desire, from their feminine, as Goddess Queens. Her Divine Feminine offerings are catalysts for soulful women to transform their blocks, manifest their boldest dreams and flourish in every way. Syma immersed herself in the healing arts at the age of 14 to transform wounds and blocks from her childhood. Her devotion to the Goddess led her to co-create a life she never dreamt possible: create a global feminine business empire, manifest and marry her soulmate, become pregnant with her miracle baby after infertility, transform women's lives through her heart's work, and travel the world with her beloved family, creating a flourishing life as Mother, Lover, Priestess, and Mentor. She loves liberating powerful women to do the same: Reclaim their full feminine power, rise into the Goddesses they truly are, and create lives of overflow, from their Divine Feminine.